
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Going for a swim

It was an interesting weekend...  Izzy came to Josh and I saying that she dropped my iphone in the toilet.  The conversation went like this...Seriously?  Yes!  Seriously?  Yes, but I got it out.  The phone is soaked.  I asked later how it happened and if she got the phone out as soon as it fell.  Yes, well um, I had to wipe first.  I explained that electronics and toilet water did not mix, so you had to get them out immediately.  What..and have pee dripping down my leg??  The logic of an 8 year old.  I didn't realize my dependency on my phone.  I had to use a real alarm clock!  Weird.  After some drying out, we are back in business!
These don't mix.

January in Review

January has proved to be a fun and busy month.  It's a little hard to get back in the swing of things after Christmas and New Years.  We started off January with a new sport!  Izzy decided to try her hand at basketball!  Wes & Stephanie Gallagher were along with Cassie, Shayla was also playing.  I think that sealed the deal.  I am so proud of her for trying something new.  She is doing GREAT.  I'm not biased or anything, but I think their team is awesome.

1st Game

GO #5 - Lady Bees

We've had some nice days in January...the boys take advantage of it by digging up any landscaping we have left.  Yes, our yard looks a little redneck, but look how much fun they are having!!

The Lintz family was not spared by sickness this January.  I had the flu along with Gerren and Josh.  Gerren and I were stuck together for about 3 days.  Wherever I was, he followed.  Kind of sweet...too bad we were sick.  The flu turned into an upper respiratory infection with Gerren.  Breathing treatments were his relief.  
Even when he's sick, he's still cute!

We've been working on doing chores and earning money.  We went back to the drawing board with our GIVE/SAVE/SPEND jars.  They are much cuter now.  Cute = Kids will use...right??  They love the idea of earning money, but they aren't always excited about the chore part!

Gerren was running around in socks with a small hole...the hole got bigger and bigger.  Any other time, his socks would have been long gone...but he was wearing these...

Gerren also decided to try his hand at photography.  When the battery in my camera died, he chased Josh around begging to use his camera.  He couldn't understand why Josh wouldn't share!  He's not too bad for a 3 year old :)

New Year...New Goals

It's been a while....lots has happened since last posting.  WooHoo, It's a new year.  We are gonna rock this new year.  I have been delayed at setting goals, so I can't really say that I have accomplished any yet.  Here's a run down...

Home Goals:
*Be better organized...less clutter...get rid of things that I don't LOVE
*Keep up with cleaning schedule.  I don't expect it to always be in perfect order, but it's nice when you can invite friends over without having to have a cleaning marathon before hand.

Financial Goals:
*Budget...every month (on target for Feb..yeah)
*Get better at using cash for groceries, gas, etc.

Family Goals:
*Do something fun/special every month.
*Be a better wife.  Have date nights!! 
*Read a book on parenting/marriage.

Spiritual Goals:
*Read Bible
*Do a better job with Devos and memory work with kids.

For ME
*Learn to sew.  Work on sewing a line..hehehe.  I have some projects in mind...making a quilt from Izzy's baby clothes, etc.
*Scrapbook/blog.  I want to be able to keep up with what is going on with the family.  I want to have something to look back on.  Still debating the best way to do photobook/scrapbooks for the kids.  I want to have individual books for each, but I think I may have to do family books or I will NEVER get caught up! 
*Loose weight by exercising and eating better (I need to get serious on this one)
*Be a better meal planner!!

I'll update back on the how I'm doing with my goals.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Seeing Rainbows

Last Friday we decided to enjoy the last day of Spring Break and do something fun with the kids.  The Zoo had their grand opening of the dinosaur exhibit, so we decided to head to Nashville.  Friday morning we woke up to rain.  Determined not to let my "expectations of the perfect day" get in the way, we headed to Nashville despite the rain.  We didn't get in a hurry though!  Instead of our picnic lunch at the zoo, we actually ate in the car on the way there.  It was still raining lightly once we got there.  Soon, the rain stopped, and we enjoyed the Dino exhibit.  The rain probably made it better because it wasn't crowded at all.  We really took our time, and Josh got some cool pics.  Leaving the exhibit, Izzy wanted to see the 'rainbow' birds.  Josh told her we'd come back to them.  Being able to read between the lines, I knew this meant, 'we'll skip them for now...and hopefully you'll forget about them.'  We continued through the zoo looking at the animals.  Izzy reminded us not to be in a hurry because she took along her camera and wanted to take pics herself!  Another point Izzy reminded us about the rainbow birds...."we'll look at them last."  We went to enjoy the playground and the HUGE slide.  By the point we were about ready to leave when once again we were reminded of the birds.  We went back up the hill to see the birds.  Looking back, we are so glad we did!  We had the best time with those birds!!  They are so pretty...there is something about them that makes you want to stop and stare.  They even slow Gerren down!  To our surprise, the birds LOVED Josh.  One bird flew on him and was trying to unzip his zipper on the camera strap.  It wasn't long before another bird joined in...then another.  They were licking his head!  He said it tickled!!  Fun times!!


Earlier last week we found out that Josh lost his job.  His old job was cutting his pay.  There was really no choice but to look for another job.  When his boss found out that he was looking, he was not happy.  He had to let him go because he said Josh could not fill his obligations.  I started not to write about this.  Why would I want to look back and remember this....  Because, I want to be able to look back and see how God has provided.  I'll admit there are days when I wonder what the future holds, and I get a little teary eyed thinking about what could happen.  Then I have to remind myself that God is in control, and I don't want to limit his blessings by my lack of faith.  It's been a little weird with Josh not having a set schedule each day, but it's been great that he's getting to spend more time with the kiddos! 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Today I write with a heavy heart, but I am very hopeful because I know God is bigger than any problems I may face.  While listening to music today, the song Revelation by Third Day had lots of meaning. 
Give me a revelation,
Show me what to do
Cause I’ve been tryin’ to find my way,
I haven’t got a clue
Tell me should I stay here,
Or do I need to move
Give me a revelation
I’ve got nothing without You
I’ve got nothing without You

I know God has great plans for our family.  It's hard to understand during the middle of trials, but we have to have faith.  As Albert Einstein said...  "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."  God will provide, and I pray that we have open eyes/ears to see/hear where God leads us. 

Josh is the most amazing person I know.  His talent blows me away.  I've often been jealous (in a good way) at how he's good at everything he picks up.  Have you ever watched someone create a painting that starts out with only a stroke on a canvas and ends up being a portrait of a child?  It's amazing!  How does one person get such talents??  I was definitely not blessed with an artistic ability, but I love that he was.  I love him.  I love the man that he is and the man that he continues to become.   

Monday, March 12, 2012

Expectations?? & Memories

There is something I have realized about myself, and it's not always a good thing.  I might plan a perfect day in my head...then things don't always go my way...and it messes me up.  I am learning not to focus so much on my expectations but to enjoy the moment.  This weekend we roasted marshmallows over the fire pit.  The wind was blowing the smoke all over us, but it was fun.  Let's do more things...just because it's fun!

On Sunday, I had a fun picnic in the park day planned starting right after church.  We went to pick up sandwiches...Gavin didn't want any.  We got to the park, and I was all prepared to make a cozy little spot for us to eat.  I forgot the chips.  The wind was blowing.  The kids were cold.  The kids were fussing.  Oh no...this was not what I had planned.  Finally, we decided to go eat in the car so the kids could be warmer.  More crying...they didn't want to eat in the car.  We did anyway.  More bad attitudes.  Once again, not what I had planned for my perfect family picnic in the park.  After too much bad attitudes, we finally decided that the park wasn't going to work out today.  We headed back home with the agreement that we would go to Trinity park if the attitudes got better.  MORE CRYING!!  Finally, got home and  soon walked down to the park.  Kids were loving it...boys were playing so good together.  I was so thankful :)  Played, played, played and finally made it back home.  Then, we squeezed some lemons for lemonade.  Guess what...I didn't measure anything.  That's a little crazy!  Went back outside and played more.  Played in the mulch, wrote in chalk all over the driveway, rode bikes and raced each other!  We ended the day with overflowing bowls of Lucky Charms and America's Funniest Videos.  I know, awesome dinner!  It wasn't at all like I planned it in my was better.  Love my family!